asked questions

What to wear?

Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing. If you have a lower extremity injury, bring or wear shorts.

How many visits will I need?

It depends. Your therapist will work with you following your evaluation to best outline a plan specific to your condition. Every condition or surgery is different, therefore, it’s often dependent on multiple factors.

How early should I arrive for my first appointment?

We ask all new patients to arrive approximately 15-20 minutes early for their first appointment in order to complete intake paperwork. We make every attempt to be as flexible as possible for all of our patients but being on time is important. We will do our best to stay on time as well.

What should I bring?

You’ll need to bring a photo ID, your insurance card, a prescription for therapy from your doctor (if applicable), and your completed forms/paperwork from our website. Oh, and don’t forget a smile!

How long will my appointment take?

Generally speaking, your first appointment will last approximately an hour. Follow up visit length will depend on a variety of factors including the severity of your injury, your functional goals and your treatment plan. Whether 30 minutes or 2 hours, our effort is directed at a treatment program specific to you and your needs. Your appointments aren’t limited to a 30 minute slot like many other providers in the area.

Will my insurance cover therapy?

Yes. In most cases, your private insurance plan has some level of physical therapy benefits. Because all plans are different, we make every effort to verify benefits and communicate this with you. Much of it depends on your health plan and what they are willing to cover. Fortunately, many people are recognizing the value of physical therapy in reducing healthcare costs through injury prevention, patient education, lifestyle changes, and overall wellness.For Medicare patients, physical therapy is covered. Your therapist will work on developing a Plan of Care that meets Medicare requirements.

Do I need a prescription from my doctor?

We offer direct access. Learn more about it here.