Complimentary Screenings

If you’re in pain, have recently injured yourself, or just think something might be wrong, visit 180PT TN for a complimentary injury screening. You’ll meet one-on-one with a physical therapist who will conduct a thorough assessment of your condition.

  • These free screenings can help you determine:
  • The root cause of your condition
  • A treatment plan that works for you
  • The next steps you should take

If you’re hurt or in pain, don’t wait a moment longer to schedule your complimentary injury screening.

Whether it’s a sprain, twist, fracture, or just general pain, we’re here to help. Rather than doing research online and attempting to self-diagnose, come in and speak with a licensed physical therapist who can explain what’s going on and point you in the right direction. Free physical therapy screenings at the 180 PT TN are meant to provide unbiased opinions on the best course of treatment for your condition. We’re happy to refer you to specialists or other clinics based on your condition, needs, or personal goals. Schedule your appointment for a free injury screening today.

*Beneficiaries of federal health care programs are not eligible to participate in free screenings.

Benefits of sports injury screenings

It’s no secret that sports and other recreational activities can lead to injuries. 180 PT TN sports injury screenings are custom-designed for schools, affiliated organizations, and individual patients. Sports injury screenings are often paired with functional movement screenings, which are used to evaluate athletes’ movement patterns, functional limitations, and joint stability when in motion.

The ultimate goal of any sports injury program is to help athletes of any age perform to the best of their abilities and to prevent injuries before they happen. Our programs are led by licensed physical therapists and athletic trainers who customize each program specifically for the participants’ goals. When applicable, our team of experts will work with the coaching staff to properly train and help implement any of our custom sports injury programs.

  • Sports injury screenings and functional movement screenings can be customized for:
  • Youth sports leagues
  • Adult recreational leagues
  • Soccer teams
  • Football teams
  • Baseball teams
  • Rugby teams
  • Lacrosse teams
  • Gyms and fitness studios
  • Martial Arts
  • And more

Schedule your appointment today at an 180PT TN to learn more about our sports injury screenings.

*Beneficiaries of federal health care programs are not eligible to participate in free screenings.